You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars with an expensive agency to identify, find and reach the clients you need.

It can feel daunting to know how to reach your ideal prospects. I've spent decades honing my skills as a business communicator. After working with hundreds of professionals, I’ve decided to make my signature process available in this online course. It's my mission to make it easy for you to communicate strategically - without having to invest decades of your life to learn how!

Inside You'll Discover:

  • Why, despite having an incredible product or service, you're not reaching the right people with your message and what to do about it.

  • How to find and reach your ideal clients and how to talk to them once you reach them in order to get results for you and your business.

  • How to pick the best communication tools for your business. Should you blog or go all in on social media? Should you create videos or focus on networking? Where do print and traditional media fit into the mix?

    These questions and more will be answered in the program.

Meet Your Instructor:
Jill Ellis-Worthington

Bad Ass Blogger and Communications Specialist

When Jill was a child, she loved listening to her mother read to her, the words painting pictures in her mind. Words had great power for Jill then, and she learned to use them to paint those pictures for others when she worked as a writer and editor at magazines and newspapers over a 30-year career in publishing.

Jill started at a national magazine – Power Boating Canada - as assistant editor and later worked as an editor at the London Free Press before starting Write.On Communication Services. Her Bachelor of Arts in English is from Texas A&M University, and she has a post-graduate certificate in PR/Communications from Western University.

With the world going online to do business more than ever in recent months, Jill serves small business owners and entrepreneurs by helping them develop a strong online presence through blogging. Many are hesitant to start a blog or don’t post regularly to their blogs because they feel they can’t think of great ideas to write about; they don’t think they have time; they don’t feel confident in their writing skills.

Jill uses her years of experience as a high-productivity writer and editor at newspapers and magazines to demystify the writing process and instill communication confidence in business owners and entrepreneurs.

She is a passionate storyteller and loves using words to bring business to your business through Write.On Communication Services.
image of jill ellis worthington smiling while sitting at a desk

Supercharge Your Business Communications

Get Ready! Your Comms Journey Will Look Like This

  • Set The Stage

    Here you'll hone in on your goals and your perfect audience. We'll uncover potential roadblocks and you'll see what you need for your Strategic Communications Plan.

  • Get Down to Business

    In this section, you'll discover the avenues you have to share your message. You'll discover insights on the mainstream media, blogging and networking to name a few.

  • Pull It All Together

    All the ideas in the world won't matter if you don't have a game plan for implementing them. In this section we discuss timing, measuring results and budget.

It's Time To Put The Communications Puzzle Together

Smart small business owners know that they need a solid plan to communicate their message. This course shows you the exact steps to take to reach your ideal prospects.